Call for 3-Minutes thesis video competition Welcome to the 6G Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE
14th - 15th November 2024
Venue : Saadiyat Rotana Resorts, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The "3 minutes thesis video competition" is an innovative and engaging competition designed to encourage doctoral students to communicate their research effectively in a concise and accessible manner. In this challenge, participants are tasked with creating a three-minute video presentation that effectively conveys the key aspects and sig- nificance of their research project.

The goal of the challenge is to promote effective science communication skills among PhD students, enabling them to communicate complex ideas to a diverse audience outside their specific fields of study. By condensing their research into a short video, participants learn to distill complex concepts and findings into a clear and compelling narrative that can be easily understood by non-experts.

Outstanding Videos are eligible for the "Best Thesis Presentation Award"

Why Participate?

- Develop communication skills to effectively disseminate your work to a non-specialized audience, which is an essential skill in academic and industrial environments.

- Learn to communicate your research clearly and concisely to a broad audience.

- The video of your presentation can be shared online to increase the impact of your.


The 3MT competition organized at the Abu Dhabi 6G Summit 2024 is open to Ph.D. candidates of all Telecom disciplines who have completed the 1st year of their studies or have a clear outline and plan for their research.

Important Dates:
  • Submission Deadline: 16th September 2024

  • Notification Deadline: 15th October 2024

Submission Procedure:
  • Prepare a presentation of a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 3 minutes on your research topic. Up to three static slides can support the presentation, including the first slide with the title, full name, and affiliation.

  • Send the video link in mp4 format of your presentation to ,

  • The video and audio of the presentation must be of good quality and recorded in good condition, the slides and the candidate should be visible in the video.

  • The presentations will be evaluated by a jury according to an established set of criteria and also by the audience.

  • The three selected videos will be presented in person or remotely at the 6G Summit.

  • Certificates will be awarded to the top three winners, and a prize of $500 will be awarded to the winner.